Schwatka Lake

 ¿Qué ver en Schwatka lake, Whitehorse?

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Schwatka Lake is a beautiful lake located near Whitehorse, Yukon, Canada. There is no official website for the lake, but visitors can access it for free. The lake is open year-round, but it is most popular in the summer months for activities such as swimming, kayaking, and fishing.

In terms of attractions in the surrounding area, the Yukon Wildlife Preserve is a must-see. It is a 700-acre preserve that is home to many of the Yukon's most iconic animals, such as bison, elk, and lynx. The preserve is open daily from 9:30 AM to 5:00 PM, and admission prices vary depending on the season.

Another popular attraction is the Miles Canyon Basalts, located just outside of Whitehorse. The canyon features stunning rock formations that were created by volcanic activity millions of years ago. Visitors can hike along the canyon and enjoy the scenic views. The canyon is open year-round, and admission is free.

Overall, Schwatka Lake and the surrounding area offer visitors a chance to experience the natural beauty of the Yukon.

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